With the 10.12 update, Telegram added a total of 15 new features to its users, especially My Profile and Recommended Channels. However, Telegram CEO Pavel Durove announced that the messaging application recently reached more than 900 million monthly active users, half of whom open Telegram every day.
Telegram 10.12 Innovations
The My Profile section, which has been added to the Settings Page with the update, allows you to view your Telegram profile as other users see it and make quick changes. In fact, if you have recorded your birth date here, people who visit your profile on your birthday will be greeted with animated confetti and balloons. Telegram will also remind you of other people’s birthdays by displaying a banner in the chat list. It should also be noted that by default your birthday is visible only to your contacts and you can change this in your privacy settings.
There is a new Channels tab in the search interface, where the app will show suggested channels with similar topics. If you’re an admin, you’ll be able to showcase your channel on your profile page, at the top of your bio, along with a detailed preview of the latest post.
Channel admins will now be able to manage reactions by selecting the maximum number of reaction types a post can contain. Telegram also allows you to link your collectible username to your account or channel. Those who have collectible usernames will be able to link these names to their Telegram accounts or channels and list additional names on the profile page. Tapping a collection username or anonymous number on someone’s profile now displays extra information about the collection, such as when it was purchased and for how much.
When sharing live locations with friends or group chats, you’ll now be able to add more time to an existing shared location and even extend it indefinitely. You can now receive notifications about reactions to Telegram Stories, and a new toggle button lets you control who can react to your stories. Telegram’s Instant View feature for websites is now available on the desktop app. So you can open a web page and “all its media right in your app with zero load time.”
For premium users, Telegram is adding a toggle toggle to show ads in the app. The company thinks this feature could be useful for businesses and users who want to control how their ads appear in the app.
Additionally, Premium users will be able to include animated and custom emojis in surveys. It will also be possible to watch stories anonymously without being noticed. The feature allows them to “hide their last view and continue hiding views for the next 25 minutes.” To enable it, simply press and hold a story in your feed and select View Anonymously from the list.
Don’t forget to update your application to the latest version for all these innovations.
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