The GSM Union (GSMA) has released the new RCS features that make it possible to encrypt the end between platforms. RCS messages in Android have been encrypted for years, but since Apple joined the RCS caravan last year, the same security level may now be valid for messages sent from Android to iOS or iOS to Android.
As a matter of fact, Apple, on the subject, is a powerful privacy and security technology that IMessage has supported since its beginning. Now we are pleased to lead an interdimal effort, which brings an end -to -end encryption to the RCS Universal Profile published by GSMA. With future software updates, we will add the support of RCS messages to iOS, iPados, MacOS and Watch. He made his statement.
Google, “We have always been determined to offer a safe messaging experience and Google messages users have been encrypted (E2EE) RCS messaging for years. We are excited to see this updated profile from GSMA and work with the mobile ecosystem to implement and expand this important user protection to apply and expand to the RCS messaging between platforms. ” he said.
Apparently, RCS will gain another important feature for interchangeable messaging. GSMA, Google and Apple are doing their best.
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